12 Important PPC Trends to Know That You Shouldn't Ignore

It’s no secret that online businesses and E-commerce platforms have skyrocketed in the last few years. In fact, many businesses rely heavily on their online avenues to generate a great deal of the company’s ROI.

With that in mind, PPC (pay per click) advertising is largely becoming the go-to choice for marketing campaigns across the online business environment. The good news is technological advancements are making it easier than ever before to get your brand recognized.

PPC Advertising – A Leap in the Right Direction

Recent global events have forced online businesses to up their game when it comes to advertising. Any successful online marketer will agree, keeping up with changing PPC advertising trends is the direct path to success.

While there are a wide variety of trends your online business can utilise, we’ve compiled a list of the 12 top PPC trends you should know! Keep reading to see what they are!

1.     Increased Testing

Remaining successful is about constantly tweaking your marketing campaign. The best way to make sure the pay per click advertising options you’ve selected are actually working is through continuous testing. Testing, tweaking, and adapting is key. Any new campaign or applied trend needs to be tested. It’s important to test your campaigns, pages and customers flow process through your online business.

2.     Smartphone Compatibility

This trend should actually be a standard operating procedure by now. Most online shoppers perform their shopping tasks using their mobile phones. If your business websites aren’t created using a mobile-friendly interface, you’ve got some work to do!

3.     Specific Audience Targeting

Any Google ads agency will tell you, audience targeting is the way to go! Since consumer needs vary, it’s crucial to know who your intended audience is and then create and place ads to reach them.

Design PPC ads that can be placed where your target audience hangs around (i.e. social networks, YouTube etc.) and then make them appealing enough to ensure the clicks keep coming!

4.     Video Ads

The goal of any online business is to first and foremost grab potential customers attention. Video ads are one of the quickest ways to do that. With the growth of Video hosting platforms such as YouTube, it’s quite clear that consumers respond well to videos. This includes product videos.

The advantage of increasing video ads to boost your pay per click advertising is that you’ll be able to reach a much wider audience. In addition to being found on YouTube, your ads can also be seen on different search engines.

5.     Voice Search

One of the latest trends in PPC advertising is voice search. This is directly linked to the increased use of Smartphones and mobile devices. To increase your businesses popularity, it’s a good idea to optimize landing pages and PPC ads to be mobile compatible.

Additionally, adding an option for potential customers to call your company directly using voice search will instantly boost popularity. Some of the more common voice assistants include Google, Alexa, Siri and even Cortana.

6.     Increase Images

Every marketer should know that people are visual creatures. You could write a wonderful content page about the brilliance of your product. No matter how good the content, it will come across as boring without attached images.

People want quick results when they’re searching for products, and images grab attention a lot quicker than paragraphs of text. Always use images of your actual products, or people using your actual services. Avoid stock images as these don’t have an actual connection to the product being advertised. Visual advertising is equally important in your social media advertising.

7.     Powerful Call to Action

With the extensive subject matter available on the internet, it’s very easy for consumers to quickly identify what they want and how much they’re prepared to pay for it. As an online business, you need to provide a reason why your company is the best place to fill this need.

This comes down to how powerful your call to action is. A strong, urgent call to action combined with your PPC advertising will ensure potential (and existing) customers will choose your company.

8.     Social Media

It’s estimated that about 57% of the world’s population uses some form of social media. This statistic is much higher in some countries. Social media platforms such as Instagram, TikTok and Facebook are popular platforms to place brand and product ads. It’s a growing PPC trend well worth considering!

9.     Automation

AI and automated options have become a popular way for online businesses to gain an edge over similar companies. Automated AI techniques make it easy for potential consumers to engage with your website even when your business is closed.

Having an AI assistant answer basic questions will prevent visitors from leaving your page if they don’t easily find what they’re looking for.

10.  Focus on First-Party Data

Recent privacy restrictions on third-party data sourcing will make finding new audiences to advertise too somewhat challenging. For marketers to remain successful, they will have to focus their attention on maximizing the first-party data they have.

In addition to increasing the PPC ads to your first-party data, it becomes crucial to utilize the information and contact recommendations directly from your first-party audience. Extensive focus needs to be placed on remarketing and reserving existing customers.

11.  Extensive Focus on SEO

Increased focus on other PPC trends doesn’t mean there’s any less focus on SEO. In fact, Search Engine Optimisation and pay per click advertising will continue to work hand in hand. It’s important to consolidate all marketing campaigns to incorporate better use of keywords and core web vitals.

While it’s still important to focus on commercial keywords (doctor, plumber, lawyers etc.) to extensively drive Google ads, it’s equally important to rank your business locally. For instance, advertising your business in your local online environment (e.eg. Plumber Melbourne, Doctor Adelaide) is a great way to improve revenue. Ensure all your content is centred around the top keywords in your field.

12.  Expand Your Options

The expression, “don’t keep all your eggs in one basket” doesn’t only apply to cooking or your finances. If you’re going to advertise on one platform, you’re limiting your online company’s exposure. In addition to advertising on various social media platforms and Google, consider other search engines such as Bing or Microsoft.

Additionally, other platforms that you could use to diversify your PPC ads include the following:

  • Amazon
  • Adroll
  • Quora

Final Thoughts

Recent international studies have shown that at least 50% of sales in online businesses are generated from PPC ads. This number is set to vastly increase in 2022 as advancements in technology make the online platform more accessible.

If you’re looking to increase your success in 2022, it’s important to not only know but also make use of the trends we’ve discussed. Add pay per click advertising to your next marketing strategy and watch your business grow!

For the best professional assistance, call Digital Insider today on 0459 845 633 or send us an email at [email protected]. Let us help you use the latest PPC trends so you can successfully reach your target audience and stay ahead of your competitors!

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